Thoughts are unsaid, and


My work exists in a liminal state between metaphorical reality and transcendental nature. It explores the symbolism and the consequences of life. I like making films that are just to the right of reality. It is a way to balance my love for lyrical realism with my need for magical realism – a mixture of Bergman’s hardness with a pinch of Akerman’s melancholy. 

I am fascinated by faces. My work is a study of human nature – a monochromatic portrait of the nuances of an individual's life. It is a constant pursuit where I try to access the human condition through visuals rather than words – the words are just a part of it. If you observe it up close, you can see how much people live by their details. I am obsessed with this point of view  – the ambiguity of the human condition. I like to get close to the human experience, literally close. My work lives in a space of close-ups and inserts, and it always possesses symbolism – even if you have to dig a little. I am seduced by the rawness of the world – a visually seductive but thematically harsh set.

When I am not working on narrative films, I enjoy spending my time working on experimental films – specifically video art installation. This  is usually accomplished using a mixture of digital footage and video synthesizer analog editing.